This is a work in progress(as I am!)I need somewhere to talk and just not worry about judgement or criticism,whether it be constructive or otherwise.I want to just let my thoughts and feelings out.It will mainly be about having and trying to live with Multiple Sclerosis but I'm sure other things will come up too. You are welcome to read but do NOT mock me and if I offend you just stop reading.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Bit of a set back

Disappointed that i've needed to start taking steroid tablets.Been struggling physically for a few days and was unable to walk for a bit Sunday,I'm hoping that by taking the tablets now I can avert a full on relapse.It's been a little over 3 years since the last big one that caused permanent damage,the Tysabri infusions are doing their job well.
There has been a few minor issues in that time but I've just taken the tablets for 3 or 4 days and it's settled down any inflammation going on,I think though this time could be a bit different. I've had a couple of months of emotional turmoil like I've had before the other big ones,it's hard to explain without sounding like a pyscho,I have become very withdrawn and needing to be alone but very lonely and sad and positive that everyone is against me and doesn't want to be around me.Which could quite well be true given that when i'm like this i'm a pretty crappy friend.I get very paranoid and forget that just because i think something doesn't mean it's true.
I have isolated myself partly because I don't know how to be and partly because it's hard for me to get anywhere and i hate asking for help all the time,it's just easier to be home.I don't even want to talk to anyone on facebook anymorw cos i'm tired of dragging people down with my sadness and i hate faking happiness.It makes me feel like i'm lying to people and i don't want to do that.
Anyway hopefully the steroids work cos if I'm nuts now I dread how bad I'll be on a sreroid infusion!! Avoiding it at all costs,no sleep,crazy thoughts,too much energy without the physical capablilty of expending it,last time round i barely clung on,i don't want to do it again

Monday, 2 June 2014

Still blank

I decidedI do need to write but i don't want to share,that might seem a bit silly but what I mean is I won't be putting it on facebook.If people stumble upon it then so be it,I guess they were meant to see it,I just wAnt to be able to express myself when i need to but as it's just gone midnight it won't be now!

Saturday, 31 May 2014


Been doing a lot of thinking so thought it would be good to come here and get it out.Soon as i start typing my brain goes blank! Oh,well guess i don't need to vent as much as i thought

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Should i continue?

don't know is it worth airing my thoughts trying to make sense of them? Some people would say yes,me,i just don't know .
I kind of want to be done with it all.all this thinking and struggling to just be happy with who i am and where I'm at.
This MS business just does my head in,it just kind of wandered into my life and turned everything upside down,changed everything and how thingswere meant to just takes and gives nothing back.If it were a friend it wouldn't be.
I am jealous of those I know who have it and can walk with out help,I am jealous of those who can work,I am jealous of  those who are able to accept it and make a new life for themselves.Yep,I'm jealous.
At least i can be honest and admit it,that's a positive maybe.
I've been very down the last few weeks and angry.I feel like I've stagnated in my thinking got stuck.
This makes no sense.
I accept to some degree that i have MS and i can't change that and i hate it,maybe that's where i can find peace and acceptance,I have MS and I hate it.
That's where I'm at hating the disease hating what it's done to my life and body and I'm okay that I hate it

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Hopefully this works

Hmmm,where to start?
A very wise friend asked me what had happened to my blog,good question.I kind of abandoned it i guess.Got sick of writing the same thing over and over again,then I just didn't know how to write what i needed to write.Life got busy with life and i lost touch with expressing myself.
Last few weeks have been very tough so here i am trying to write my way out of my darkness.
At the moment i hate everything,most of all me.I don't know why and it makes me angry cos i thought I'd stopped doing this to myself.
I'm stuck and don't know how to get unstuck,I'm overthinking everything,not sleeping,feeling old,feeling oh i don't know,heavy?weighed down? Not sure what it is.
I think part of it is that i thought I'd get better,not be free of MS but at least be walking on my own.I've been relapse free for close to 3 years now and I've recovered from the last one with permanent damage to my mobility.
I think I'm angry about that,I know i shouldn't compare(but i do) myself to other MSers but using the walker makes me feel old and quite frankly a pain in the arse.It's always in the way.I've tried to be positive about it,it means i can walk further and faster,get less fatigued all that stuff but honestly i don't like being not quite 50 and using a walker like someone in their 80s.
Yeah,yeah,I know there's people worse off than me,there's also a lot of people a lot better off than me