This is a work in progress(as I am!)I need somewhere to talk and just not worry about judgement or criticism,whether it be constructive or otherwise.I want to just let my thoughts and feelings out.It will mainly be about having and trying to live with Multiple Sclerosis but I'm sure other things will come up too. You are welcome to read but do NOT mock me and if I offend you just stop reading.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Uh oh

Something weird is happening,feels like my body wants to twist to the right side all the time.When I walk it feels like my body is straight but I've actually noticed that my body is twisted and I'm sideways.When I straighten up and walk so my body is facing forwards and my legs and feet are pointing front ways it feels like I'm twisted.If I  keep my body how it wants to go then my head is fine but if I make myself stand properly I get very wobbly with my head.This has been happening for a couple of hours,if it's still happening tomorrow night might need to contact neuro.

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