This is a work in progress(as I am!)I need somewhere to talk and just not worry about judgement or criticism,whether it be constructive or otherwise.I want to just let my thoughts and feelings out.It will mainly be about having and trying to live with Multiple Sclerosis but I'm sure other things will come up too. You are welcome to read but do NOT mock me and if I offend you just stop reading.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Need to digress for a bit,plus a bit of a dilemna

I was going to spend the next few days or entries or however long it takes trying to document my MS "adventure" (for want of a better word and I do hate how everyone has a "journey" these day) Sorry,I'm digressing in my digression and I better shut up and try to get back to the original thought before I forget again!!  Just on the journey thing,was watching Biggest Loser last night and the amount of times it was said drove me nuts!! Okay,respect to people on a journey I hope your end destination brings you what ever you need it too.
My need for details and getting the story right,means that occasionally I will need to stop and put bits in I forgot and I realized from the last entry that I need to introduce someone.Someone very special to me.You might have noticed the name Robert suddenly pop up.Well,he is my husband,we have been together since I was 18 and he,23.I'm 47 now and he is 52. Oh my,I'm 47,how did I get old?When did that happen? Inside,I'm still 18 and naive and immature and yet somehow who ever decides these things thought I could get married and have 3 children and raise them right? *Shaking head in disbelief*
Robert and I got married on May 25th 1985,we've been thru some really,really hard times(one day,if I ever get finished diverting from the MS stuff I might get around to talking about that stuff too) but we've some how managed to stay together,I think some times just out of sheer stubborness.We've done the poorer,the worse,the sickness,I think we're both hanging on for the RICHER,BETTER and HEALTH part.Til death do us part? Grit your teeth, one of us will go eventually!!!
I think it helps too that we've never actually fallen out of love with each other at the same time,long term relationships ebb and flow.And I think that as long as one of you is able to dig your heels in and fight for it,you'll weather the hard times.Not sure ,what happens if you both stop loving at the same time though?? Guess that's what divorce lawyers are for!
So the need for the digression was to introduce my husband,I hope you like him,he's a good guy and I do and that's all that matters.Our marriage is far from perfect,but most of the time it works for us.
Okay,on to the dilemna,people are reading this blog.AARRGGH!!!! Yep.people are reading it,and from the messages of support I have received actually liking it,now I have to say I'm a bit chuffed that people have taken the time to stop and type me a message,but that brings up my problem,I'm scared now,that I'm going to start censoring and monitoring what I type so it's kind of  brought my free flowing thoughts to a screeching halt.
But if I didn't want anyone to read it,why did I make it publicAND post the link? Okay,typo error there,do NOT go back and correct,take back the freedom to be.This is not an exam you are not being graded,It's your place Alison just be you.*Deep breath in and move on*
Thank you for the support and encouragement,it means so much to me and I appreciate everything you've all said,but I need to go back to just doing it for me :o)


  1. You're doing a good job with this blog. I'm living with MS too, I'm a year older than you and I know some of how you're feeling about this blogging stuff.

    I just put my words out there and hope I'll find at least some readers who understand, or at least try to understand. MS is a weird thing to have in your life.

  2. My heart and thoughts are with you :o)
