Before all this I had a full time job with a major supermarket chain here,I was a "fresh food people!!" I worked 40 hours a week and took home a pretty good wage,life was going along fairly smoothly.Bills were getting paid early there was no arrears and we even had a little bit of savings!
We've done it tough financially over the years,so to be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel was amazing,thru the late 80s, our mortgage interest rate was 17%!! On one wage with 2 little kids to provide for,yep times were tough,but the kids grew,another one was added and we were slowly starting to turn things around,then the company Robert worked for went bankrupt owing him heaps in wages and other payments.His superannuation wasn't paid into the super company,this was just before the government started the scheme to protect workers if this sort of thing happened,so all the money he should have had for retirement? Gone,lining someone elses pocket(The owner of the company,transferred everything into other peoples names and then reopened the business a few months later) We had to go on unemployment benefits while Robert looked for another job,then to add insult to injury the week before Christmas,although he was owed thousands,we received a cheque for $186! Yep,$186,you see the workers are way down the list of creditors to get paid what they're owed when receivers get called in,banks and other businesses get theirs first.
Anyway we slowly clawed our way out of that mess and eventually found the light switch to brighten the tunnel,it was a bloody long and massive tunnel and only one tiny light globe to show the way but bit by bit we were getting thru it.
The kids grew up,Adam went into the air force and got posted interstate,Sarah left home to set up her own home with Luke,so only David was home with us and we were going along quite happily,the tunnel was so short now we were almost ready to walk out of it,bright enough to need sunglasses.
Then MS struck,back in blackness,can't find the way out now,not even a match to strike to give a flash of light.
2 incomes down to 1 with all the expenses that still need to be paid,we've done it before we can do it again,but this time there's the extra expense of medication and all the vitamins and minerals reccomended .A change of diet might help.How much is all this antioxidant rich food? gluten free,dairy free,red meat free,the alternatives are so expensive,Has it made a difference?Am I any healthier? Don't think so,still having relapses,still have symptoms every day,still struggle.
MS doesn't just take a toll on your health,it crosses the board and spreads it's evil tentacles into every aspect of your life,it impacts in so many ways on the one with it and those closest to you.Drop a stone in a pond,see the splash? That's the person with MS,See the ripples? That's the people closest to you,MS is a nasty,insidious disease,that needs to be stopped,not delayed,not eased,STOPPED
Stopping MS, that would be so nice, wouldn't it Alison? One day, maybe.