This is a work in progress(as I am!)I need somewhere to talk and just not worry about judgement or criticism,whether it be constructive or otherwise.I want to just let my thoughts and feelings out.It will mainly be about having and trying to live with Multiple Sclerosis but I'm sure other things will come up too. You are welcome to read but do NOT mock me and if I offend you just stop reading.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Opening up a can of worms

Religion,God.Faith,Hmm,maybe not a good idea to go here so late but I'm guessing at some point I will need to sort myself out about this subject,Do I believe? Do I have faith? Is there a God? And if there is where does he figure in all this? I think I believe in God,I do wonder though if he believes in me.Don't know why this has come up now and why at 11.15p.m. just as I'm about to switch the computer off,I feel I need to start typing about it.But there you go totally random thought process that sometimes needs to be addressed.
I really don't know what to say or where to go with this topic so I might just leave it alone for now and recognize that I probably will come back to this sooner or later,it's been a long day though and people on face book and in a couple of groups I've joined have been affected by full moon madness I think.I must be naive to think that a support group might actually be supportive!! There is one though that is fantastic and I feel really comfortable and welcome there,the other ones I might just keep on the back burner for a bit,see if the nuttiness stops.
Short and sweet with this one,be interesting to see where this theme leads me though.


  1. Hi Alison, I've spent some time thinking about this God stuff. I've decided I definitely don't believe in a God overseeing us all, and punishing the evil doers, and all the stuff from the old testament.

    I prefer the new testament, as far as I understand it, which is not much at all really. I like the idea of Jesus, and think he was probably a lovely man, but I can't believe the crazy stuff like walking on water etc.

    What I truly do believe in, completely and utterly is the Power of Good. I believe people love to do good things for others, and I believe that doing good for other people can help to heal if you are suffering. So that's it, I do good things for others, and I love to see other people do good things too.

    There are many good people in this world, and the good people don't need a book to tell them what is good, they just know.

    Keep on thinking it through and always remember to smile and be kind, whenever you possibly can.

    1. I think I believe but I'm not religious,I don't think it's about rules and regulations,except for the basic don't kill etc, type of thing.
      I used to be a church goer,at one point I even taught Sunday school! But I don't think my idea of God kind of fits into the churches idea,hmm,needs more thought I think.Crap,and I was trying to think less!!!
