So much going on in my head and I can't get any of it out.Nothing will come,don't know why.Well actually I do but it surrounds my feelings about something that I don't think is my place to talk about.
Sometimes I wish I didn't value integrity so much.
Anyway,had a few busy days and now paying the price but I'll pay, it was so good to get out and be part of something that could change the lives of disabled people in Australia,just hope that politicians will stop talking and actually do something.And that if there's a government change the incoming party doesn't shelve it.If your Australian go to to get more info you can also read about it at I'm not into politics but I am into helping to make the lives of people with disabilities and health problems easier and a better quality.
Maybe that's the direction my life is heading,speaking up for those who have trouble speaking uop for themselves(might need to learn to spell first! Yes i know there are typos in this!) Maybe I need to become some kind of advocate for disabled people,start shouting about lack of access and stuff.Hard to have policy that is all about inclusion when people can't even get in the door!
How would I do this,how would I go about it and would I need any qualifications.
Alison, keep on having your opinion heard, like you did this week, and the way you do on your blog and on other social media! Always speak out when you can, we must all speak out!