Yesterdays entry was not written in anger.It was matter of fact,this is how it is.Seems that a lot of the people I know with MS are struggling at the moment,having relapses or increased symptoms.Some of them have been hit pretty hard.
I've joined a few online support groups and they have been awesome,just knowing other people feel like I do has been amazing,like I'm not alone.It doesn't make things stop being the way they are but it is so good to not feel isolated and lonely.I have great support from my family and friends in real life,they are loving and caring and try to understand.I love and appreciate them very much and they get to escape.They can go out and get away from this,I'd love to do that,take it off and go run amok outside for awhile! I don't think I'd come back,if I could take MS off for awhile and be "normal" there is no way in hell I'd come back and put it back on!!
The people I've met in the groups truly get it,they know what it is to feel as I do,so yesterdays entry was just saying it like it is.Not trying to sugar coat things,not saying "I'm fine" when asked how I am.
You know it's tough and my group friends get it,we do our best to live the best life we can with this thing,never knowing when it will attack again.We swap tips on what's helped us, be it diet treatments vitamins or whatever but this thing is kind of a shape shifter.While there are a lot of similar symptoms it presents itself slightly differently for each person with it,so there is no"one size fits all" solution to it. Some people have a good reaction to one treatment someone else might feel like they've been hit by a truck,to the same drug.
They're called "Disease Modifying Drugs" some people swear by them others think anyone who takes them is crazy! It's all so variable and hard.
That's why I posted what I did yesterday and I stand by those words.
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