This is a work in progress(as I am!)I need somewhere to talk and just not worry about judgement or criticism,whether it be constructive or otherwise.I want to just let my thoughts and feelings out.It will mainly be about having and trying to live with Multiple Sclerosis but I'm sure other things will come up too. You are welcome to read but do NOT mock me and if I offend you just stop reading.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The saga continues

So when I left the story a couple of weeks ago,we were on our way to the hospital,I'm trying not to panic but I've watched enough medical shows to know something bad is happening to me.(Who needs doctors when you've got E.R.,All Saints,Grey's Anatomy etc.etc.?!) I really should be a doctor the amount of medical knowledge these shows have taught me!! Do you think I could Recognized Prior Learning credit,based on watching too much T.V.?!
Anyway,we get to the hospital,Robert stops right outside Emergency and goes to get a wheel chair,I don't need a wheel chair,I can walk.Yeah,right,sure you can.I hang onto the car and kind of shuffle and hop on my right leg as far as I can,then have to admit defeat and get in the wheel chair.We get to the triage window and I start explaining what's going on,next second the nurse is in front of me getting me to smile and lifting my arm,getting me to stick out my tongue,*Uh oh,they think I've had a stroke* I'm saying "I'm okay,I'll be fine" I get wheeled straight round to the back area,Wow,no waiting,this has to be serious. I get put in a bay and straight away I have nurse sticking needles in me taking blood and sticking round discs on my chest and I'm attached to a machine that goes Beep! There's someone else trying to get me changed into a gown,which really pisses me off,just leave me alone okay.I get taken to x ray,then have a cat scan.I get back to the bay and I'm busting for the toilet,so one of the nurses wheels in one of those commode chairs.The look of disgust on my face! I'm not using that! For one thing no-one's bothered to pull the curtain closed and there's people walking past all the time and of course everyone looks in to the bays as they walk past so there's no way I'm going to use it,even if the curtain is closed I'm not going to.I don't care if there might be something seriously wrong with me,I refuse to go to the toilet behind a curtain,with anyone marching in at any second.For another thing there's no toilet paper,what,you think I'm going to drip dry?! Anyway  the nurse helps me get to a real toilet with a lock on the door,then stands there waiting,I'm thinking Get out! Please get out. I just want a couple of minutes to myself,I finally get to go on my own with the door locked and the nurse outside,knocking on the door asking if I'm okay.Umm,yeah,kind of,I'm left handed,I do everything with my left hand.This thing what ever it is has affected my left side,all of a sudden I've got to do simple things with my right hand,it's actually not very easy.Even tearing toilet paper from a roll is something that needs to be thought about(Go try it,next time you go to the loo,try doing what you normally do with your non dominant hand,it's hard).I get back to the bay and more doctors come in and I tell my story yet again,I get poked and prodded a bit more,lift my arms and legs(Not).Do all these other tests to check for strength and balance.Then go for an MRI( I'm pretty sure the devil himself invented that machine,horrible,evil thing it is)

Okay need to stop for a bit,hands are giving me trouble and this is taking a lot longer than i thought it would,I'll write more later

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this story Alison. Learning about the way others have gone is an interesting further insight into this mysterious disease.
